9 Tips You Should Know Before Filing Canadian Taxes Well, it’s officially tax season again! Which means there are a lot of business owners trying to get their business paperwork together so that you can file your personal taxes. As a tax preparer, there...
5 Things Your Tax Preparer Knows that You Don’t For better or worse, we humans are adept at making assumptions and trusting others, including when it comes to our tax preparer. On a daily basis, we not only interact with dozens of other people doing their jobs, but we...
Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Taxes When You Owe the CRA Owing the CRA happens when you’re in business. No brainer, right? It is, once you learn that this is how the system works. For new, inexperienced solopreneurs in particular – such as those with home-based...
5 Mistakes Business Owners Make Before Filing Their Taxes It’s a lesson that every business owner has to learn. For some, it comes after the first year in business when the realize they weren’t prepared, or after a few years of struggling to stay afloat. ...
How Not Paying Taxes Affect the Dream Home Purchase A common dream of many entrepreneurs is one day buying their dream home. A status symbol for some, it’s the manifestation of years of hard work, determination and success. Others just want a little...
Tax Software for Business: 5 Reasons to Reconsider The Income Tax Act is A HUGE act. At its core, it stipulates that what you claim on your business taxes must be reasonable. Also, that you are responsible for being honest with your submissions, and that by...